Conduct Disorder

Conduct Disorder

As has been stated earlier, this condition is considered a continuum in untreated Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Three or more symptoms of Conduct Disorder need to be present and occurring over the past 12 months for the diagnosis to be assigned. These symptoms should be present prior to age 10 years but can be as early as 5 years of age. Again, Conduct Disorder is population dependent, being found more frequently in urban communities. It affects 6% to 16% of males and 2% to 9% of females. Symptoms of Conduct Disorder are listed below and include bullying others, initiating physical fights, and using weapons for their defense, such as a knife, gun, or club. Children with Conduct Disorder are very physically abusive to people and animals, and confrontational in their crimes.


  • Bullies others
  • Initiates physical fights
  • Uses weapons for defense
  • Physically cruel to people and animals
  • Confrontational in crimes
  • Sets fires with the intent to destroy
  • Destroys others' properties
  • Runs away from home
  • School truancy

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