Oppositional Defiant Disorder Odd

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Presents as a pattern of negative, hostile and defiant behavior, lasting greater than six months, starting prior to age eight years to adolescence. It is thought to be a developmental antecedent to conduct disorder. It is often seen in untreated Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder with hyperactivity and impassivity. It affects 2 to 6% but is population dependent. The condition seems to be more prevalent in urban areas. Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder are listed below and include losing temper easily, arguing with adults and defiant to all authority figures. They deliberately annoy adults and peers, and frequently blame others for their mistakes and misbehavior. They remain angry and resentful, being very spiteful and vindictive.


  • Loses temper easily
  • Argues with adults
  • Defiant to authority figures
  • Deliberately annoying
  • Blames others for mistakes or misbehavior
  • Angry and resentful
  • Spiteful and vindictive

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